Financial Security

Financial Planning for Early Retirement

Written by EveryIncome | 12/3/21 1:30 PM

Retirement looks different for everyone. While some people are content to continue their careers well into their sixties, some motivated professionals aim to retire early. Early retirement isn’t for the faint of heart; building up a substantial retirement savings, boosting your financial proficiency, and figuring out how to maintain your standard of living without a stream of traditional income can be a harrowing prospect. However, if everything works out well, early retirement can be an incredibly enjoyable way of life. Consider these financial planning tips to help you work towards an early retirement.

Redefine Retirement

One approach that some young retirees take is to “retire” from their day job and transition into another venture that is enjoyable but may not be as lucrative. This allows people to make a modest income while doing something they enjoy, having more free time, and watching their investments. An example of this could be a cybersecurity specialist who retires from her day-to-day role and pads her savings with occasional consulting gigs, or a sales executive who starts a small-scale farm. Retirement does not have to mean a moratorium on work, and many early retirees choose to continue working a reduced schedule to boost their savings.

Utilize a Flexible Financial Planning Strategy

As 2020 has shown, investments and income can be incredibly unpredictable. This year has seen record-breaking unemployment numbers and massive losses in the stock market, and early retirees need to be able to roll with the punches. Those who wish to retire early must adjust their financial planning strategy to fit the current financial climate and weather any hardships that may arise. 

Start Spending Conservatively

When it comes to planning for retirement, knowing how you’ll spend your accumulated funds is almost as important as how you’ll build them in the first place. Early retirees often take a conservative approach to spending in their early years. This helps them avoid depleting their savings all in one go. However, this doesn’t mean that individuals can’t take vacations and make large purchases in retirement. One method of budgeting for significant expenses is to plan them out ahead of time, setting financial goals that must be met before retirees allow themselves to make the purchase. An example of this would be planning a trip a few years in advance, and only going on the trip if investments provide their expected returns. 

Take the Transition Into Retirement Slow

While generations past used to hold big retirement parties to mark the definitive end of their time in the workforce, more and more people are taking a more relaxed approach to retirement. Many professionals will transition to a reduced workload or a smaller commitment within their company, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of retirement while also sticking to a somewhat normal routine and continuing to add to their savings.

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This article is provided by EveryIncome.