Financial Security

NAIFA Embraces National Teach Your Children to Save Day

Written by NAIFA | 4/27/23 11:00 AM

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) is dedicated to equipping individuals with the necessary financial know-how and confidence to successfully navigate their financial lives. That's why we're wholeheartedly embracing National Teach Your Children to Save Day, a nationwide initiative focused on providing young people with the vital skills and resources needed to make informed financial choices.

National Teach Your Children to Save Day aims to promote the importance of financial literacy among our youth, ensure access to essential financial resources for all children, and emphasize the need for making prudent financial decisions from an early age. Our goal is to uplift the financial well-being of the younger generation, taking into consideration the unique challenges they may encounter as they embark on their financial paths.

We're honored to support this mission by championing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the financial services sector. Through efforts like our annual Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Symposium and our educational consumer website,, we strive to create an inclusive environment where financial learning and assistance are accessible to all children. By doing so, we play an important role in promoting financial well-being and upholding the key principles of National Teach Your Children to Save Day across the nation.

It is crucial that we invest in the financial education of our youth, as they are the future stewards of our economy. By participating in National Teach Your Children to Save Day, we not only empower them with the skills and resources to make responsible financial choices, but also lay the groundwork for a more financially secure and prosperous future for all.