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Recent posts by EveryIncome

2 min read

Can You Live off Dividends in Retirement?

By EveryIncome on 2/20/23 10:00 AM

A dividend is a return on your investment paid out at intervals throughout the year, typically on a quarterly cycle, by the company in which you purchased shares.

Established, financially secure companies are more likely to issue dividends, an indication that funds are plentiful and that the company is able to both reinvest in its operations and reward shareholders.

Many investors put their money into dividend-paying stocks because they offer a significantly better return than bonds, and they are typically not high-risk investments.

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Retirement Financial Wellness Financial Literacy
3 min read

When to Consider ‘Married Filing Separately’ on Income Taxes

By EveryIncome on 2/10/23 10:00 AM

Most married couples never think about filing their taxes separately. They simply check off “married filing jointly” on their tax form and move on to the hard questions.

Generally speaking, a married couple should file their taxes together. Filing jointly combines a couple’s two incomes into one amount, which, after excluding nontaxable income, becomes the couple’s adjusted gross income (AGI). This larger number may push a couple’s income into the eligibility zone of certain deductions and credits.

Nevertheless, there are certain situations when you should consider opting for “married filing separately”.

Topics: Financial Planning Tax Savings Tax Benefits Taxes Financial Literacy
4 min read

What Is an Annuity and How Does It Work?

By EveryIncome on 2/3/23 10:00 AM

Despite Americans holding over $2 trillion in variable annuities, the average person knows little about how annuity retirement plans work or their pros and cons.

What is an annuity?

An annuity is a special type of life insurance that provides reliable income in retirement. You make premium payments toward the annuity during your working life or purchase the annuity with a lump sum before retirement.

2 min read

Income-focused Investing for Beginners

By EveryIncome on 1/23/23 10:00 AM

Investing for the future can be daunting, and people have different priorities and financial strategies.

While some investors are attracted to taking more risks, especially when they’re young and have time to recover, many investors prefer an approach that yields peace of mind over wealth accumulation.

This approach, known as income-focused investing, emphasizes the virtue of stability and embraces a “slow and steady wins the race” ideology.

Topics: Financial Planning Planning in Advance Investing Financial Literacy
6 min read

The Right Way to Use a Credit Card in Place of an Emergency Fund

By EveryIncome on 1/20/23 10:00 AM

Emergencies aren’t fun and they are even worse if you don’t have an emergency fund saved. In today’s tough times, many people have either blown through their emergency fund or just weren’t able to save one. 

That doesn’t mean that emergencies won’t happen, though. So, what are you to do? 

You’ve heard credit card debt is bad and who wants to put themselves further into debt, right? While it’s not ideal, a credit card can bail you out in an emergency. 

Here’s what you need to know to keep it from putting you further into debt. 

Topics: Financial Planning Planning in Advance Financial Literacy Emergency Savings Savings Budgeting
6 min read

What is a Financing Contingency on a Purchase Contract?

By EveryIncome on 12/9/22 10:00 AM

When you sign a purchase contract, you’re signing a legally binding agreement. Most of the time you also put down earnest money. If you back out of the contract without any reason that’s legally backed, you lose your earnest money, which could be thousands of dollars.

Since buying a home is one of the largest purchases you’ll make, you want to enter the contract carefully. You sign a contract that doesn’t work in your favor, but you also don’t want to have so many contingencies that a seller won’t accept your bid.

One of the most popular contingencies you can add to a purchase contract is a financing contingency. Understanding what it is and how it works is important.

Topics: Financial Planning Financial Literacy Financial Security
7 min read

Your Complete Guide to Managing Medical Debt

By EveryIncome on 12/5/22 10:00 AM

The level of medical debt in America is shockingly high.

According to Debt.org, America’s debt-help organization, the average cost to an individual to stay in a hospital is $3,949 per day. And the average healthcare consumer pays more than $10,000 per year. As a nation, we spent $3.5 trillion in 2017 for health care.

The numbers paint a bleak picture. Americans pay more for health care than anyone in the world, and the impact of facing extreme medical debt can be financially devastating for individuals and families.

Yet despite what the numbers say, there are ways to lessen the financial burden of individual or family health care. Find out how in this guide to managing medical debt.

Topics: Health Care Health Savings Accounts Debt Budgeting
3 min read

Budgeting for a New Baby: Don’t Let Finances Keep You Up at Night

By EveryIncome on 12/2/22 10:00 AM

Whether you are deciding to have a child after years of planning or your new bundle of joy is an unexpected addition, having kids is expensive. From diapers and childcare to braces and college, parents sign themselves up for a continuous barrage of purchases, both large and small. Child-related expenses can add up on their own, but parents often have their own unrelated financial situations to consider. Budgeting and financial planning are critical for new or expecting parents, and these tips can help you start parenthood on firm financial footing.

Topics: Financial Planning Planning in Advance Lifestyle Planning Financial Literacy Budgeting
2 min read

Make More Money by Assessing Your Lifetime Income Potential

By EveryIncome on 11/28/22 10:00 AM

Virtually everyone would choose to make more money if given the opportunity, but choices that impact your lifetime income potential are rarely that clear-cut. A variety of factors influence the amount of money a person makes, and the choices they make throughout their lifetime help to dictate their ability to earn money. Taking a hard look at your lifetime income potential can help you make more money in the long term, allowing you to financially support your lifestyle and retire in comfort.

Topics: Retirement Planning Planning in Advance Lifestyle Planning Financial Literacy
6 min read

How Real Estate can be a Good Investment During Inflation

By EveryIncome on 11/25/22 10:00 AM

If you’re sadly looking at your portfolio and wondering what happened, you aren’t alone. Inflation has hurt a lot of portfolios because businesses are struggling to stay afloat. The higher the costs get, the harder it is for companies to be profitable, which hurts stock prices. 

If you’re only invested in the stock market, you could be doing yourself a disservice. During high inflationary times like now, it’s best to diversify your portfolio and the best way to do it is by investing in real estate. 

Topics: Financial Planning Investing Financial Literacy