Have you considered what would happen if you were unable to work for an extended period of time? We're here to ease your fears. Keep reading for a breakdown of what disability insurance is, how to find out if you're covered, and what steps you can take to prepare for a brighter future.
Golden Years
You've just entered the job market, or graduated from school. You understand even though you don't have much money now, that your earning years are about to begin. Thinking of your future fills you with unbridled enthusiasm. You can daydream about your perfect wedding or your perfect vacation. Even your perfect retirement. But have you daydreamed about disability? One day you're able to work, the next you're not. It might even be a temporary disability, knocking you out of commission for six months to a year. What would you do then? Do you have an emergency fund that could cover six months or more of expenses? Although no one likes to consider such traumatic and heartbreaking events, they're a real possibility. In fact, approximately 25% of people can expect to be out of work for at least a year in their lifespan.That's why it's imperative to plan ahead.