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2 min read

3 Most Common Medical Debt Mistakes

By EveryIncome on 4/22/22 1:30 PM

Each year, many Americans struggle to manage their medical expenses. Routine healthcare procedures can be expensive enough, but there are even more significant costs associated with emergency medical care, chronic illness management, and childbirth. Too many Americans are finding themselves drowning in the medical debt they’ve accrued from essential treatment and medication, with or without health insurance. Three major mistakes can cause patients to rack up more significant medical debt than is necessary, but fortunately, these strategies can help.

Topics: Financial Planning Financial Literacy Financial Security Debt Medical
2 min read

Strategies for Navigating Medical Debt

By NAIFA on 12/7/20 4:31 PM

Medical care in the United States is astoundingly expensive. While many employers and government agencies offer health insurance plans, many people are either unemployed, underinsured, or otherwise left without appropriate coverage. Something as simple as breaking a leg or having your appendix removed can cost thousands of dollars, and treating conditions like cancer or diabetes is even more expensive. Navigating the world of medical debt can be incredibly challenging, but these strategies can help individuals and families work toward being debt-free.

Topics: Debt Medical